English Biochemical Characterization and In Vitro Detection of Promising Hepatoprotective Effects of P. viviparum through Liver Slice Culture Assay


  • Umm-e-Habiba Akram Assistant professor
  • Raheela Jabeen Department of biochemistry and biotechnology, The women University, Multan


Lactate dehydrogenase, percentage cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, LC-MS


Medicinal plants have been used from ancient times as therapeutic agents and these are precious for improving our health care system.  That’s why in this study persuasive beneficial effects of P. viviparum were explored. P. viviparum belongs to class Polygonaceae, its common name is Anjbar. Its methanol extracts were used for biochemical characterization through LC-MS and then hepatoprotective effects at different concentrations were studied through measuring lactate dehydrogenase in terms of percentage cytotoxicity. Moreover its antioxidant, hemolytic and anti-thrombolytic activities were also measured. The impressive results of P. viviparum were observed. In LC-MS Caffeic acid, natural iridoid sweroside and glycoside Morroniside at 180.08, 381.25 and 428.25 m/z were identified with positive mode of ESI. Likewise with negative ESI presence of Gallic acid, Quinic acid and Chlorogenic acid were observed at 169.08, 191.08 and 353.25 m/z respectively. In liver slice culture assay results, at 1000 µg/mL P. viviparum exhibited maximum hepatoprotective potential in terms of minimum 9% cytotoxicity. In antioxidants activities at 500 µg/mL maximum potential of DPPH redical scavanging activity and FRAP were detected. Moreover maximum anti-thrombolytic in terms of clot lysis and hemolytic activity were also seen at 500 µg/mL. The present In vitro findings of P. viviparum showed that it could be used as a hepatoprotective agent to overcome the liver diseases and oxidative stress due to the presence of marvelous active constituents.  



How to Cite

Akram, U.- e-H., & Jabeen, R. (2023). English Biochemical Characterization and In Vitro Detection of Promising Hepatoprotective Effects of P. viviparum through Liver Slice Culture Assay. III. International Congress of the Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, Malatya, Türkiye, 325–325. from http://www.turjaf.org/index.php/TURSTEP/article/view/194